We Offer Different Services To Improve Your Health


All Your Pulmonary Needs at One Place


Bronchoscopy +/- Biopsy

Bronchoscopy is a method used to glimpse inside the lung aviation routes. It is finished to decide presence or nonattendance of lung infection, likewise to assist with assessing the viability of current treatment



Clinical Thoracoscopy (pleuroscopy) includes section of a camera through the chest wall for direct representation of the pleura. Thoracoscopy is performed for indicative as well as remedial purposes.


Lung Biopsy

A lung biopsy is a method where tests of lung tissue are eliminated (with an extraordinary biopsy needle or during medical procedure) to decide whether lung infection or disease is available.


Pleural fluid aspiration, ICD (Chest tube) insertion

Chest tube position (likewise called tube thoracostomy) is a typical strategy in day to day clinical practice which is performed to deplete liquid, blood, or air from the pleural hole. Chest tube addition ought to be directed by pictures, or ultrasonography.


Pulmonary function test, six minute walk test

Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) are a gathering of harmless tests that action how well the lungs are working. This data can assist doctor with diagnosing and choose the treatment of specific issues, for example, COPD, asthma, ILD and other lung problems.


Polysomnography (Sleep study)

Polysomnography, likewise called a rest review, is a complete test used to analyze rest problems. Polysomnography records your cerebrum waves, your oxygen level, pulse and breathing, as well as eye and leg developments during the review.

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  • Department
  • Cardiac Clinic
  • Neurology
  • Dentistry
  • Gastroenterology
  • Doctor
  • Dr. Akther Hossain
  • Dr. Dery Alex
  • Dr. Jovis Karon

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